The LGBTQ+ community have much higher rates of suicide ideation and suicide attempts than the heterosexual community
The suicide rate amongst people who identify as transgender ranges from around 20% up to 45%. 2 out of 3 trangeder teenagers self-harm.
One of the biggest factors that contribute to such a high rate of suicide in the LGBTQ+ community is being in an unsupportive family. Children are much more likely to attempt suicide when they feel isolated by their family and when they are made to feel as if there is something wrong with them.
It is estimated that the highest suicide rates in America are in the white community and the American Indian community. It is unclear why this is but many researchers think that suicide in the African American community is reported less often and written off as another cause of death.
Suicide rates in all communities have been on the rise over the past decade.
Race has more of an effect on suicide ideation due to the discriminatory nature of our society. The amount of trauma, discrimination and racism one faces has a direct effect on their likelihood of becoming suicidal.
Information on differing rates of suicide between races is very restricted as the US government does not collect information for people of Hispanic origin and labels them spread across the other categories.
For further information on LGBTQ+ community and suicide follow these links:
For further information on Race and suicide follow these links:
Suicide rates and race